Wednesday, November 2, 2016


1. Which of the following LESS variables does not belong to the Navbar component?


  1. @navbar-margin-bottom
  2. @navbar-border-radius
  3. @navbar-padding-horizontal
  4. @navbar-default-height

2. Which of the following classes will make tables scroll up horizontally when width of the view is under 768px?


  1. .table
  2. .table-striped
  3. .table-condensed
  4. .table-responsive
  5. .table-scrollable

3. Which of the following will set a modal window to be closed when the escape key is pressed?


  1. Setting the option “backdrop” to true
  2. Setting the option “backdrop” to static
  3. Setting the option “keyboard” to true
  4. Setting the option “escape” to true

4. Which of the following is the correct description of the given table?

<table class=”table”>



  1. It has light padding and only horizontal dividers with an enabled hover state on table rows within a <tbody>.
  2. It has zebra-striping enabled on any table row within the <tbody>,
  3. It has light padding and only horizontal dividers.
  4. It is compacted by cutting cell padding in half.

5. Which of the following will correctly call a dialog prompt?


  1. $(‘#myModal’).modal()
  2. $(‘#myModal’).modal({ keyboard: false })
  3. $(‘#myModal’).modal(‘show’)
  4. All of these

6. Which of the following is not a Bootstrap component?


  1. Glyphicons
  2. Breadcrumbs
  3. Dropdowns
  4. Pivottable

7. Which of the following colors is the default hover background color of the table row?


  1. #f9f9f9
  2. #f5f5f5
  3. #ddd
  4. #66afe9

8. How many validation styles for states of on-form controls does Bootstrap have?


  1. 6
  2. 5
  3. 4
  4. 3

9. Which of the following are not options of the method $().tooltip(options)?


  1. animation
  2. delay
  3. backdrop
  4. show

10. Which of the following are helper classes?


  1. .close
  2. .badge
  3. .caret
  4. .clearfix

11. Which of the following statements is correct about using the Collapse plugin?
A) The Transitions plugin must be included.
B) The Popover plugin must be included.


  1. Statement A is true while Statement B is false.
  2. Statement B is true while Statement A is false.
  3. Both statements are true.
  4. Both statements are false.

12. Which of the following are not Bootstrap plugins?


  1. transition
  2. tocible
  3. tooltip
  4. boilerplate

13. Which of the following statements are correct with regards passing options?

A) Options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript.
B) For data attributes, the option name has to be appended to option-, as in option-animation=””.
C) For data attributes, the option name has to be appended to data-, as in data-animation=””.
D) Options can be passed only via JavaScript.


  1. A and B
  2. A and D
  3. C
  4. A and C

14. Which type of trigger cannot be used with the “delay” option to show and hide a popover?


  1. click
  2. hover
  3. focus
  4. manual

15. What is the default amount of time delay between automatically cycling items in a carousel?


  1. 2000
  2. 3000
  3. 5000
  4. None of these

16. Which of the following classes are contextual classes?


  1. .success
  2. .warning
  3. .error
  4. .danger

17. Which of the following will set a modal window to not be closed on click?


  1. Setting the option “backdrop” to true
  2. Setting the option “backdrop” to static
  3. Setting the option “keyboard” to true
  4. None of these

18. Which of the following components is used to indicate the current page’s location within a navigational hierarchy?


  1. navs
  2. breadcrumbs
  3. pagination
  4. navbar
  5. progress bars

19. What does the following HTML code do?
<span class=”caret”></span>


  1. It generates a close icon for dismissing content like modals and alerts.
  2. It utilizes the micro clearfix.
  3. It indicates dropdown functionality and direction.
  4. It indicates back button functionality.

20. What does the following HTML code do?

<span class=”badge”>…</span>


  1. It indicates dropdown functionality and direction.
  2. It utilizes the micro clearfix.
  3. It highlights new or unread items.
  4. It extends the entire viewport.

4,385 total views, 17 views today

Monday, February 18, 2013

Odesk Elance CSS3 Questions with Answers 2013

Odesk Elance CSS3 Questions with Answers 2013

* Red Color highlighted are corrected answers


Which of the given options is/are equivalent to the following rule?
DIV { line-height: 1.2; font-size: 10pt }

a.            DIV { line-height: 1.2em; font-size: 10pt }
b.            DIV { line-height: 12em; font-size: 10pt }
c.             DIV { line-height: 120%; font-size: 10pt }
d.            DIV { line-height: 20%; font-size: 10pt }
e.            DIV { line-height: 80%; font-size: 10pt }

Question 2:
The sans-serif generic font-family is characterized by:

a.            finish strokes, flared or tapering ends, or actual serifed endings.
b.              stroke endings that are plain without any flaring, cross stroke, or other ornamentation.
c.             either join strokes or other cursive characteristics beyond those of italic typefaces.
d.            primarily decorate the characters while still containing their representations.

Which of the following properties allow percentages in their value fields?

a.            font-size
b.            font-variant
c.             font-weight
d.            line-height

Which of the following styles is valid?

a.            border: “none”;
b.            border= “none”;
c.             border: none;
d.            border= none;
e.            None of the above

Which of the following property doesn’t take up space?

a.            outline
b.            border
c.             Both a and b

Can a percentage value be given in a ruby-align property?

a.            Yes
b.            No

What will happen if the cursor property value is set to none?

a.            The default cursor will be displayed.
b.            No cursor will be displayed.
c.             A pointer cursor will be displayed.
d.            A text cursor will be displayed.

What is the range of values (in decimal notation) that can be specified in the RGB color model?

a.            0 to 256
b.            0 to 255
c.             -250 to 250
d.            -255 to 255

The color in three digit RGB notation is #fb0. What will be its equivalent six digit color code?

a.            #fb0fb0
b.            #ffbb00
c.             #fbfb00
d.            None of the ab

backface-visibility:hidden; will this property hide the back side of a transformed div element?

a.            Yes
b.            No

What will happen if the pause property is used as follows?

h2 { pause: 40s 60s }

a.            pause-before will be set to 40 seconds and pause-after will be set to 60 seconds.
b.            pause-after will be set to 40 seconds and pause-before will be set to 60 seconds.
c.             pause-after and pause-before will be set to 40 seconds.
d.            pause-after and pause-before will be set to 60 seconds.

Read the following:
@page rotated {size: landscape}
TABLE {page: rotated; page-break-before: right}
What will this code do?

a.            It will put all tables on a right-hand side landscape page.
b.            It will rotate the page if the table is positioned at the right side.
c.             It will keep the table in the landscape position and rotate the page.
d.            None of the above

Which of the following properties specifies the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the bottom of a page?

a.            orphans
b.            widows
c.             bottom
d.            overflow
e.            None of the above

What is the problem in the following style sheet?

@import “style.css”;
@media print
@import “print-main.css”;
BODY { font-size: 10pt }
h1 {color: red }

a.            Two style sheets can’t be included with @import.
b.            The body tag can’t be included inside @media.
c.             @import rule is invalid since it occurs inside a @media block.
d.            It is valid.

A/An___________ is defined with ‘grid-columns’, ‘grid-rows’ properties.

a.            Explicit grid
b.            Natural grid
c.             Default grid
d.            None of the above

Which of the following are not valid values for the target-new property?

a.            window
b.            tab
c.             none
d.            parent
e.            current

Which of the following styles is not valid for an image?

a.            img { float= left }
b.            img { float: left here }
c.             img { background: “black” }
d.            img { border-width: 10 }
e.            All of the above

What is the initial value of the marquee-speed property?

a.            slow
b.            normal
c.             fast
d.            none

What is the default value of the transform property in CSS3?

a.            50% 50%
b.            0% 0%
c.             100% 100%
d.            none

Which of the following value of the white-space property will set the value of white-space-collapse to “preserve” and value of the text-wrap to “none”?

a.            normal
b.            pre
c.             nowrap
d.            pre-wrap
e.            pre-line

Which of the following is not a user interface element fragment selector?

a.            value
b.            choices
c.             default
d.            repeat-item
e.            repeat-index

If the nav-index property of textbox1 is set to 10, that of textbox2 to 5 and that of textbox3 to 8, what will be the navigation order?

a.            textbox1, textbox2 ,textbox3
b.            textbox2, textbox3 ,textbox1
c.             textbox3, textbox2 ,textbox1
d.            textbox1, textbox3 ,textbox2

What is the initial value of the opacity property?

a.            0
b.            1
c.             normal
d.            none

Which of the following option does NOT exist in media groups available in CSS3?

a.            continuous or paged
b.            visual or tactile
c.             grid or bitmap
d.            braille or screen

What is the initial value of the text-align property?

a.            start
b.            end
c.             left
d.            right
e.            center
f.             justify

Which of the given rules would result in an object being rendered as above?

a.            div { content: ’1′ }
div::before { content: ’2′; }
div::before::before { content: ’3′; }
b.            div { content: ’3′ }
div::before { content: ’2′; }
div::before::before { content: ’1′; }
c.             div { content: ’1′ }
div::before { content: ’2′; }
div::before(2) { content: ’3′; }
d.            div { content: ’3′ }
div::before { content: ’2′; }
div::before(2) { content: ’1′; }

You want to set the image resolution to 300dpi irrespective of the resolution of the image. Which of the following codes will be used?

a.            img { image-resolution: auto }
b.            img { image-resolution: auto, 300dpi }
c.             img { image-resolution: 300dpi }
d.            None of the above

If you set the value of the speak property to digits, how would 22 be spoken?

a.            twenty two
b.            two two
c.             twenty and two
d.            four

Which of the following does not apply to external styles?

a.            Clean separation of design and content
b.            Minimal code duplication
c.             Highest priority
d.            Reduced page download time

To which of the following elements can the min-width property not be applied?

a.            button
b.            span
c.             table new

If the following rule is used, what will be the output?

:focus,:active { outline-offset: 10px }

a.            The focus outline will appear at a distance of 10 pixels from the active element.
b.            The width of the focus outline will be 10 pixels.
c.             No outline will be shown.

Which of the following rules is equivalent to the em { color: rgb(255,0,0) } style?

a.            em { color: rgb(300,0,0) }
b.            em { color: rgb(255,-10,0) }
c.             em { color: rgb(110%, 0%, 0%) }
d.            em { color: rgb(100%, 0%, 0%) }
e.            All of the above

What is the initial value of the animation-iteration-count property?

a.            0
b.            1
c.             5
d.            None

What will happen if the following style declaration is applied to an element?

p { margin: 3em 2em }

a.            The top and the bottom margins will be 3em and the left and the right margins will be 2em.
b.            The top and the bottom margins will be 2em and the left and the right margins will be 3em.
c.             The top and the left margins will be 3em and the bottom and the right margins will be 2em.
d.            The top and the right margins will be 2em and the bottom and the left margins will be 3em.

What will happen if the following style declaration is used in the given HTML code?
<style type=”text/css”>
border:1em solid black;
border:1em silver ridge;

HTML code:

<div class=”container”>
<div class=”split”>Box 1.</div>
<div>Box 2.</div>

a.            Two boxes will be stacked one on another.
b.            Box 1 will be on the left hand side and Box 2 will be on the right hand side horizontally.
c.             Box 2 will be on the left hand side and Box 1 will be on the right hand side horizontally.
d.            Both boxes will overlap each other.

Which of the following is the initial value for the column-fill property?

a.            auto
b.            balance
c.             none


If you are using the white-space-collapse property with value collapse, what will be the output of the following string?

John leads his team to the victory, but fails to reach the   finals.

a.            Johnleadshisteamtothevictory,butfailstoreachthefinals.
b.            John leads his team to the victory, but fails to reach the finals.
c.             John leads his team to the         victory, but fails to reach the   finals.
d.            John leads his team to thevictory, but fails to reach thefinals.

What effect does the following rule have?

div { grid-rows: 4em (0.25em 1em); }

a.            It creates rows with 4em height.
b.            It creates a header row with 4em height and alternative rows with 0.25em width and 1em heights.
c.             It creates a header row with 4em height and alternative rows with 0.25em and 1em heights.
d.            It creates a header row with 4em width and alternative rows with 0.25em width and 1em heights.

What is the initial value of the hyphens property?

a.            none
b.            manual
c.             auto
d.            default

Monday, November 5, 2012

Odesk & Elance ASP.NET 3.5/2.0 C# test answers correct

100% corrected answers of Odesk & Elance ASP.NET 3.5/2.0 C# test.

Which of the following is/are applicable while using Server Socket Level communications?

a.     A certificate must be installed on the server.
b.    The certificate must match the web address to prevent a browser warning or error.
c.     The certificate must be issued by an authority recognized by the client computer to prevent a browser warning or error.
d.    All of the above.

The answer is: d. All of the above.

In which file are Predefined Client Side Validation Scripts defined?

a.     WebUIValidation.js
b.    ClientValidation.js
c.     AspNetValidation.js
d.    UserValidation.js

The answer in: b. ClientValidation.js

Which of the following are true regarding the System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<T> class?

a.     HashSet is an unordered collection.
b.    The default EqualityComparer checks whether the element supplied to the HashSet is unique or not.
c.     HashSet provides functionality for “conceptual sets” where the rules for membership can be specified without actually creating all of the items.

The  answer is: b.  The default EqualityComparer checks whether the element supplied to the HashSet is unique or not.

Which of the following are true about Extension methods.

a.     They can be either declared either static or instance members.
b.    They must be declared in the same assembly (but may be in different source files)
c.     Extension methods can be used to override existing instance methods.
d.    Extension methods with the same signature for the same class may be declared in multiple namespaces without causing compilation errors.

The answer is: a. They can be either declared either static or instance members.

Which of the following conditions can trigger the automatic recycling of an ASP.NET application hosted in IIS?

a.     A specific number of requests to the application process.
b.    A percentage of physical memory utilized by the process.
c.     A specific time interval
d.    All of the above

The answer is: d. All of the above

Via which of the following is ViewState maintained by default?

a.     A hidden variable within the page that is included with each round tip.
b.    A cookie which resides on the client’s computer.
c.     A server side in-process memory cache.
d.    Instance memory variables of the Page class.

The answer is: a. A hidden variable within the page that is included with each round tip.


Which of the following are true about System.Security,Cryptography under version 3.5 of the framework?

a.     Support is provided for the “Suite B” set of cryptographic algorithms as specified by the National Security Agency(NSA).
b.    Cryptography Next Generation (CNG) classes are supported on XP and Vista systems.
c.     The System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged.class allows custom block size , iteration counts and feedback modes to support any Rijndael based encryption.

The answer is: b. Cryptography Next Generation (CNG) classes are supported on XP and Vista systems.

Which of the following are recqired to be true by objects which are going to be used as keys in a System.Collections.HashTable?

a.     They must handle case-senstivity identically in both the GetHashCode() and Equals() methods.
b.    Key objects must be immutable for the duration they are usedwithin a HashTable.
c.     Get HashCode() must be overridden to provide the same result, given the same parameters, regardless of reference equality unless the HashTable constructor is provided with an IEqalitycomparer parameter.
d.    Each Element in a HashTable is stored as a Key/Value pair of the type System.Collections.DictionaryElement
e.     All of the above

The answer is: e. All of the above.

Which of the following can be used to control caching within an ASP.NET application?

a.     Using the @OutputCache directive in the .aspx file.
b.    Setting the HttpCachePolicy of the Cache property inside the Response object.
c.     Using the Cache property of the Page object.
d.    All of the above

The answer is: a. Using the @OutputCache directive in the .aspx file.

Which of the following are included in the advantages of  Lambda Expressions over Anonymous methods?

a.     More concise syntax
b.    The types of a Lambda Expression may be omitted
c.     The body of an anonymous method can not be an expression
d.    Lambda Expressions permit deferred type inference, that anonymous methods do not
e.     All of the above

The answer is: a. More concise syntax

Which of the following does using Initializer Syntax with a collections as shown below require?
CollectionClass<int> numbers = new CollectionClass<int> {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};

a.     Collection class must implement
b.    Collection Class must implement
c.     Each of the items in the Initializer  List will be passed to the Add<T>(T item) method

The answer is: b. Collection Class must implement
System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>  and  c. Each of the items in the Initializer  List will be passed to the Add<T>(T item) method

Which of the following are true about System.Security.Cryptography under version 3.5 of the framework?

    a.    Support is provided for the "Suite B" set of cryptographic algorithms as specified by the National    Security Agency (NSA).
    b.    Cryptography Next Generation (CNG) classes are supported on XP and Vista systems.
    c.    The System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged class allows custom block size, iteration counts and feedback modes to support any Rijndael based encryption.

 the answer is:    b.    Cryptography Next Generation (CNG) classes are supported on XP and Vista systems.

Which of the following types guarantee atomic reads and writes?

    a.    int
    b.    double
    c.    long
    d.    float

 the answer is:    a.  int  and   d.  float

Which of the following is false about declarative attributes?

    a.    They must be inherited from the System.Attribute.
    b.    Attribute classes may be restricted to be applied only to application element types.
    c.    By default, a given attribute may be applied multiple times to the same application element.

 the answer is.    b.   Attribute classes may be restricted to be applied only to application element types.

Ques.15:    When deleting a data row from the data row collection of a data table,you can

a.Use the DataRowCollection.Remove method to immediately delete the row.
b. Use the DataRowCollection.Remove method to mark the row for deletion when    DataRow.AcceptChanges is called.
c. Use the DataRow.Delete method to immediately delete the row.
d. Use the DataRow.Delete method to mark the row for deletion when DataRowAcceptChanges is called.

The answer is : (a). Use the DataRowCollection.Remove method to immediately delete the row.  And   (d).  Use the DataRow.Delete method to mark the row for deletion when DataRowAcceptChanges is called.

Which of the following is NOT a valid C# preprocessor directive?

    a.    #define
    b.    #line
    c.    #include
    d.     #error
    e.    #pragma
the answer is: e: #pragma

When developing a managed client to be used with an existing COM component.________

    a.    you should modify the COM component to enable CLR functionality.
    b.    you should use Tlblmp.exe to create a managed wrapper.
    c.    you should use TlbExp.exe to create a managed wrapper.
    d.   you should enable an unsafe code.

 the answer is: a. you should modify the COM component to enable CLR functionality.

Which of the following is true about C# generics?
a.     C# allows non-type template parameters.
b.    C# supports explicit specialization.
c.     C# allows the type parameter to be used as the base class for generic type.
d.    C# allows a generic type parameter itself to be a generic.
e.     C# enforces that all codes are valid for all types of parameters.

The  answer is: d.   C# allows a generic type parameter itself to be a generic.

Which of the following are true about namespaces & assemblies?

a.     A single assembly may contain multiple namespaces.
b.    The same namespace may be used in multiple assemblies.
c.     Namespaces may be aliased to provide a shorthand notation for a fully qualified identifier.
d.    All of the above.

The answer is: d. All of the above.

Which of the following are valid as the underlying type for an enumeration?

a.     Int
b.    Sbyte
c.     Long
d.    All of the above

The answer is: a. Int

Elements in System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary are:

a.     Sorted by Key
b.    Sorted by element
c.     Not sorted

The answer is: a: Sorted by key

Which of the following types are derived from System.Reflection.MemberInfo?

a.     System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
b.    System.Reflection.EventInfo
c.     System.Type
d.    System.Refection.InstanceInfo

The answer is:  a. System.Refection.PropertyInfo
                              b. System.Refection.EventInfo  

Which of the following is false about declarative attributes?

a.     They must be inherited from the System Attribute.
b.    Attribute classes may be restricted to be applied only to the application element types.
c.     By default, a given attribute may be applied multiple times to the same application element.

The answer is: b. Attribute classes may be restricted to be applied only to the application element types.

Custom non-fatal exceptions should be derived from:

a.     ApplicationException
b.    DataMisalignedException
c.     ExecutionEngineException
d.    SystemException

The answer is: a.  ApplicationException